Retailers who think ‘going green’ is just another fad or marketing ploy should think again. Consumers are becoming more aware of their overall impact on our communities. Shoppers are developing more of a green attitude as a way of life and retailers need to be there to meet those needs.

By implementing sustainable practices, retail businesses can become more efficient and save money in the process.

The small business owner may think the cost and trouble of going green aren’t worth the return, but the fact is each eco-friendly idea retailers adopt can make a huge difference to our planet.

Develop a Plan

Now that the decision to go green has been made, where to start? First, contact the local utility company to request an energy audit. Many companies offer an audit at no charge and provide recommendations of ways to reduce costs.

Next, take the list of recommendations and create a plan of action. Examine each area of store operations to determine what processes should be changed and how.